Matthew Larsen at Red featured in Yearbook Fanzine #7 and here we share with you his full interview plus exclusive images that were not featured in the magazine.

Photography & Interview by Nathan Best, styling by Jules Wood. We have a limited number of print copies available from the link below plus the digital version is available too

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1. Hello Matthew. Welcome to Yearbook! How old are you and where are you from?
Sup! I think this will be cooler than most yearbooks. I’m 21 from Philly.

2. How did you get into modeling and how long have you been doing it?
My brother was doing it so I went with him to his agency last week.

3. What things are you truly passionate about?
Medieval hip hop and making videos.

4. What is the most common misconception about you?
Sometimes people think I’m foreign. Sometimes I tell them that too.

5. What is your heritage/ethnic background?
Scandinavian, Norwegian, and Danish.

6. If not New York City, where else would you love to live?
A boat docked up to New York City.

7. Is modelling mostly work or mostly fun for you?
Some people have fun while they work.

8. Who are some of your favorite music artists?
Maybe Bjork. She’s so dope in Lars von Trier’s Dancer in the Dark. I think maybe I
Iove her sometimes. Rap music.

9. Do you go to clubs, and are you a good dancer?
Yeah, I kill it.

10. Do you spend more time with friends or with family?
Sometimes people are friends with their family.

11. Along with modeling, would you consider a career in acting?
I act in my own videos sometimes. But yeah, I’m down. I need money for a film budget, you know?

12. What is both your favorite and least favorite thing about modeling?
The food on the jobs and not being able to eat all of it. I love mayonnaise!

13. As a model, is dating difficult? And if yes or no, tell us why!
I fall in love three times a day. You know it keeps me on my feet.

14. What physical feature do people admire most about you?
Probably my personality. I get pretty physical sometimes. Like I said, I dance!

15. What is your favourite food?
If I’m hungry, I’m probably game. Yo, Spain got some great food though.

16. What was your favourite part of our shoot?
It was like I had a lot of friends but we were just faking it for the camera!

17. What is your favourite quote or famous last words?
I like this quote by my favorite director, Harmony Korine: “I never cared so much about making perfect sense. I wanted to make perfect nonsense. I wanted to tell jokes, but I didn’t give a fuck about the punch line!”

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