Interview: Rob Johnson at New York Models for Yearbook Fanzine #8


Rob Johnson at New York Models featured in Yearbook Fanzine #8, photographed by Nathan Best, including an interview which you can read below. We have also included some exclusive images at the bottom of the post that were not featured in the magazine. Print & Digital editions are available now from the links below

Photographer: Nathan Best
Model: Rob Johnson at New York Models

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1. Hello Rob! Welcome to Yearbook! How old are you and where are you from?
Thank you! I’m 22 years old and I grew up in Yorkshire, England but for the last four years, I’ve lived in Manchester, England.

2. How did you get into modeling and how long have you been doing it?
I started modeling after my girlfriend took me into her Manchester agency about 2 years ago! However, I’ve been finishing university so I’ve been part-time until now.

3. What things are you truly passionate about?
Skateboarding is my biggest passion and it’s always been a dream to skate the park under Manhattan Bridge so I squeezed in a session this morning!

4. What is the most common misconception about you?
The main misconception I get is that being a model and a skateboarder people wouldn’t suspect I’ve just finished a masters degree in economics and financial analysis. I really enjoyed my course and still read up on the subject when I’m not working or skating!

5. What is your heritage/ethnic background?
My mother is from Harrogate and my father from Middlesborough, both in England! As fas as I know, I’m all English back to my great grandparents!

6. If not New York City, where else would you love to live?
Before I came to NYC I lived in Manchester and really enjoyed it! I think when you get to know a place, you enjoy it more so I would have to say back in Manchester or maybe London! Also LA seems pretty fun!

7. Is modeling mostly work or mostly fun for you?
Like most people, I think it was initially work, but after a while, you learn to stop and smell the roses so to speak and realize that I really enjoy it! You work with cool new people every day, make some great friends and get to travel all around the world! Also having just written a 24,000 work piece for my masters, I’m enjoying being away from a computer!

8. Who are some of your favorite music artists?
I have really varied music taste! I’ve gotten into mixes recently, mainly on Soundcloud and there’s a Danish DJ called Noir who is a particular favorite! I generally am not the biggest fan of the music in the charts, but some R&B and hip hop I like too!

9. Do you go to clubs, and are you a good dancer?

I do enjoy going to clubs and my dance moves have graced Manchester for 4 years and not had a compliment, so i’m guessing not!

10. Do you spend more time with friends or with family?
Unfortunately, I’ve not seen much of my family this year with my workload and living away but they might be coming out to NYC to see me which would be lovely! I spend quite a lot of time with friends tho, wherever I am.

11. Along with modeling, would you consider a career in acting?
I did an acting lesson on a shoot once with Mark Wahlberg’s acting coach and he said I had a natural talent for it so I have considered it! I always wanted to be James Bond too, so that’s my perfect role! However I’m not sure if I can pick up any other accent than Yorkshire!

12. What is both your favorite and least favorite thing about modeling?
My favorite thing about modeling has to be the people you meet! Most people in the Industry you meet are really friendly, and working with different people every day is exciting! My least favourite thing is is probably the waiting involved, but that’s only a minor moan. On the whole, I love it!

13. As a model, is dating difficult? And if yes or no, tell us why!
I currently have a girlfriend but modeling definitely makes a relationship hard. The travel means we don’t see each other as much as I would like!

14. What physical feature do people admire most about you?
My lips get complimented every now and then, so I would have to say those!

15. What is your favorite food?
I don’t really have a single favourite. Pizza is alway delicious but a roast dinner with Yorkshire puddings alway reminds me of home and has to be a favourite!

16. What is your favorite quote or or famous last words?
I love the quote, “Find something you love and let it kill you!”, and there’s a poem by Rudyard Kipling called “If” that I like, particularly the line, “If you can dream but not make dreams your master, then you are a man my son”!

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