Joland & Kuba at Red by Nathan Best for Yearbook #9 (Part 2)

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Part 2 of NY Kids with Joland & Kuba at RED Models NYC featured in Yearbook #9 photographed by Nathan Best.

Previously, we posted Part 1 with an exclusive behind the scenes video of the boys plus the spread from the fanzine. Part 2 here features fuji instax pics taken on the day and an interview with each boy. Print & digital editions are available now on the links and on Apple Newsstand

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Interview: Kuba at Red by Nathan Best

1. Hi Kuba! Welcome to Yearbook. It’s great to get the chance to sit down and talk to you after the shoot!
Thanks for having me! I’m excited to be here!

2. How old are you and where are you from?
I am 17 years old. Originally I lived in Poland for 6 years after moving from Trenton, New Jersey (My birthplace, unfortunately) and moved back to the states as I turned 7.

3. Have you been modeling long?
It’s been about a year and a half

4. How does it feel to be a young male model living in New York?
Man! It’s practically the American Dream! In all honesty, it does have its ups and downs. There are certain expectations that come along with being a model that works in New York.

5. How were you discovered?
I was walking around the Lower East Side when George, my current agent, stopped me. Ironically modeling was something that I tried to do a couple years before that but it didn’t work. Actually, I sent out my photos to major agencies a couple weeks before that but didn’t get a response. I guess everything happens for a reason right?

6. Besides being a model, I hear you are also on the USA Karate Team! Tell us a bit about your passion for Karate and how you got into the sport.
Words can’t summarize how much this sport has done for me. It all started when my family moved here and my father signed my sister and I for self-defense classes. We didn’t think much of it at first, but a couple years in we both made the USA National   Karate Team. I also didn’t speak English at all and was thrown into the first grade. My sensei took us in and really became our second family. It’s crazy to think that now that I’m away from my family back home, I have spent more time in my life with my sensei and the karate family. Now, as a member of Team USA, I have the honor of representing America in some of the biggest tournaments in the world. I have traveled from Spain, Peru, Germany, and Dominican Republic to Columbia, Poland, Belgium and more! I have had the pleasure of competing in Bolivia this past summer at the Pan-American Karate Championships where I finished second in the -76kg division. I am currently ranked 13th in the world in my division and am training to leave to Indonesia for the World Karate Championships!

7. What about your night life? Are you a party animal?
It’s honestly very hard to find time off. The chaotic practices and hours spent studying in school practically takes the life out of you. Whenever I get the chance I really try to sit back and enjoy the basics in life like spending time with my parents, sister and friends. But, if it’s one thing that my father has taught me is that whatever you do, go hard. So I guess when I have the chance I am a party animal haha.

8. Any other passions we should know about?
I am a movie geek. Acting is something that I definitely want to pursue as my career progresses. I find it fascinating how someone can walk into a movie theatre and for a couple of hours forget all the struggles in their life.  It has the ability to really bring you to a different world, and with the right story, can practically change your life.

9. What song should we be listening to right now?
You should without a doubt be listening to Drake’s “ What a Time to be Alive”. And honestly just listen to all of Drake’s stuff. He’s a hit machine. I mean, literally, Drake has mothers all around the world singing “Hotline Bling” like they know what it really means. Leader of the new school. But also if you really enjoy chill beach jams you should listen to Cody Simpson’s “Free” Album. It’s filled with pure positivity that has definitely influenced me in the past couple of months. He’s an 18-year-old Australian artist who was a kid prodigy when he realized he wanted to make music that spoke to him. He turned his career inside out at such a young age and it has really inspired me. Cheers to him and everyone kid of this generation!

10. What is your favorite saying?
“The two most important days in your life is the day you are born and the day you find out why.” –Mark Twain

11. What is the best thing about modeling? How about the worst?
The best: It has to be the final outcome after photo-shoots and Jobs. It kind of hits you and makes you feel like…. really warm inside. Haha I know that’s corny! The Worst: I think the whole idea of patience. Modeling time fluctuates a lot. There can be periods where you are killing it and months where you are stuck. Without a stable mindset it can really cause some stress.

12. What did you enjoy the most about this shoot?
Polaroids. Definitely! All of them captured some original moment! It was “sick”!

13. Any last thoughts for us?
Well, I just want to emphasize how amazing it is to be at this point in my life. At 17, it’s hard to wrap my head around all of the experience I have gained. So I guess I want to tell everyone that’s reading this to try and gain as much perspective in your life as you can. To me, perspective is everything. It’s the key to understanding the world around you and most importantly the people around you. We can never truly step into someone’s shoes, but if we try to see their perspective on life it develops your character. It’s the lesson you can never learn in school. So be open! I heard this quote in a song that said: All best friends start out as strangers. So talk to each other! And if you ever see me on the street, you better ask me to get some tea or something!!!

14. Thanks, Kuba for taking the time to let us get to know you better! Yearbook Fanzine will certainly keep you in our radar! Best of luck!
Cheers mates! Long Live Yearbook Fanzine!!!

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Interview: Joland at Red by Nathan Best

1. Hey what’s up Joland? You and I have shot before. So it’s great to meet up with you today to shoot for Yearbook!
I’m happy to be here this magazine is insane!!

2. So tell us your age and where are you from?
I am 17 and from Kosovo but currently live in Manhattan NYC!!!!

3. You are originally from Kosovo and living in New York? How long have you been here and do you enjoy living here? 
Been here about 15 years, basically here all my life and I love it here there is so much to do especially as a teenager. It’s amazing with all the opportunities being given to me. I do get homesick sometime I miss the third world country where everyone is happy, full of history, all mountain and green, especially miss it when i’m driving and you can see cows and sheeps just freely walking on the streets.

4. How long have you been modeling?
I’ve been modeling for 7 months now, time flies.

5. So do you still sort of feel like the new kid on the block?
Yes of course cause i’m a fresh face who is newly introduced to the industry.

6. What style of music do you listen to and who are your favorite music artists. 
I listen to Hip-hop, EDM (love to dance to this), Rap, R&B, Pop. My favorite artists are Kanye West, Drake, Future, Bryson Tiller, Martin Garrix, Tiesto, Hardwell, Sam Feldt, and of course my main man JUSTIN BIEBER!!!! He kills the music game.

7. So I take it you enjoy going clubbing, because rumor has it that you love to dance.  Would you call yourself a good dancer?  
Personally I think i’m an incredible dancer! Every time i go out to a party or club people just stop and look at me just wondering how I am capable of moving my body like. I learn by watching Usher, and Chris Brown dance, they’re god like!

8. Describe your typical night at a club.
Easy my best friend, close family members, of course girls, drinks, and the sparkler things that spark when a bottle is served to you!

9. Has being a model increased your popularity? Please explain to us in what ways it has!
Of course people just ask me how it’s going what shows have I done, what was my best shoot and kids think of me cooler than the coolest of them all.

10. Does friendship matter a lot to you?
A lot I think having a best friend is the best possible thing anyone can have, for example my boy Kuba Waso who is also signed with RED is my closest friend of them all. It’s quite ironic we hated each other in middle school but as 8th grade got closer we started to bond better and better next thing you know we had a really cool handshake that would make us late to out classes all the time. Our bond is just too good we’re basically the same person. Recently we went to a party everyone confused us with each other calling me Kuba and Kuba me. We’re a duo that you want to be around for sure only positive things happen.

11. Would you describe yourself as a player?
Ummmmm I don’t think the girls that I know would like to hear my answer hahaha

12. What was your favorite part of our shoot?
My favorite part of the shoot has to be when Kuba and I just started being ourselves and laughing at everything and you took Polaroids shoots of those moments which were amazing and you have to catch! You can’t pose for that…You feel me?

13. What parting words of wisdom do you have for us?
Live each day by putting a smile on the faces of the people around you! Happy surroundings lead to a happy life!

14. Thanks Joland for chatting with us today! Yearbook Fanzine will be following your career! Best of luck!
This was one of the best experiences I could have! It was a blast! It’s a shoot I’ve been waiting to do!  Thanks Yearbook for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your magazine!

Sayonara, Hasta la vista, and Mirpashim!

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