Mateo in Milan by Cully Wright for Yearbook Annual 2015


Mateo in Milan features Mateo Moreno at D’Management, photographed by Cully Wright for Yearbook Annual 2015. Collectors Print & Digital editions are available from the links below.

The Yearbook Annual Collectors Pack includes:

Volume 1 – 124 pages, b/w fanzine featuring top fashion model Matthew Bell at New York Models on the cover, photographed by Karl Simone
Volume 2 – 76 pages, full colour fanzine featuring brand new Brit model Rory at Bookings on the cover, photographed by Ian Cole
Limited edition set of 3 square prints on card (13cm x 13cm), with images from the issue (no single customer will receive the same set)

2x volumes
200 pages
b/w & full colour
Perfect Bound
*This special edition includes FREE worldwide shipping from the link below. **Please note you get BOTH volumes with this order, you don’t need to order separately, they come together for one price + you will receive 2x PDF’s if you order the digital edition.

PRINT *FREE worldwide shipping)
DIGITAL: £4.49

*please note the Apple version features some censored pages due to nudity restrictions. Our PDF version is NOT censored

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