Thor Bulow Interview by Sam Scott Schiavo for Yearbook #4


Name: Thor Bulow
Agency: I Love Model Mgmt, Milan
Photography & Interview: Sam Scott Schiavo
Image: Yearbook #4 back-cover

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1. Sam: Where are you from?
Thor: I’m from Denmark, Copenhagen.

2. Sam: How did you start to model?
Thor: When i finished school I had this extreme desire to travel, and I still do. So before I went on my first trip, friends of my mother said I should try modelling. Turned out it wasn’t such a bad idea!

3. Sam: Your favourite City, least favourite and WHY??
Thor: The city that I have enjoyed the most is with out a doubt Cape Town! The people, nature, weather and friends makes this city my number one destination! I don’t have a City in particular that I don’t like. Every City can be a bad experience if you don’t have friends with you and good company.

4. Sam: Do you consider yourself a ‘Summer & Sea’ or ‘Winter & Ski’ type person?
Thor: In the winter nothing beats skiing in the beautiful mountains but when the summer arrives nothing can compete with BBQ’s on the beach with friends. I wish I could have both things year around!

5. Sam: You are often in editorials featuring that amazing physique of yours, how do you stay in such great physical shape?
Thor: To stay in great shape when traveling I think CrossFit is the best answer! CrossFit is the sport of fitness, it’s Constantly Varied High Intensity Functional Movements. This sport has brought me so much and as soon as I have time I WILL  be found competing in numerous competitions!

6. Sam: Your favourite modelling memories / moments so far?
Thor:My favourite moment was living with all the Soul Artist Management guys in New York, those were crazy days!
Sam: OK, I won’t even try to dig deeper into that answer, will just let my fantasies run wild!

7. Sam: Tell me about your most embarrassing modelling moment?
Thor: Far too many to mention! Remember I’m a blond 🙂
Sam :Ummm, How can we forget! Once again I will use my very vivid imagination! Thanks for the chat and hope to work again with you soon!

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